Reinalt’s test page

I shall use this page to practice using WordPress.

I have just added this block. Pressing shift return creates new line.
Like this

Here is a link to a different page. Link

Here is a link to the opening page. Link

Here is a link from a U3A file.

To fill a new pdf link: select the file in the Media folder, right click and click on the last (or penultimate) item in the menu and select the URL and copy it. Go back to the page and copy it into the link. Linking to a page will be different.

Courtesy of the Trustees of Southside House in Wimbledon we have an arrangement to hold some of our meetings at the house which provides a wonderful context both in Summer and Winter. We also hold meetings in Members’ houses and other venues.

Membership fees are modest and designed to ensure the Society is securely funded but do not restrict membership.

Ann reading at Southside House